on the slopes of Monte Cetona,inthe heart of the green hills and vineyards of the Tuscan district known as the Valdichiana.Today,Barbanera stands for a dynaic,modern operation concerned mainly with export to Europe and beyond.
Initially focusing purely on wines from Tuscany,growing demand ing recent years for wines from other Italian Regions such as Puglia and Sicily,has led to a broadening of the range of wines offered-as well as a constant process of updating the winery's technology.
As a result,and as a complement Barbanera's own lines,such as Duca di Saragnano, Barbanera and Terre del Principe,wines and their packaging can now be tailor-made to suit customer's needs,As part of the process of targeting new markets and new trade sectors,the company has also achieved certification in the principal oranizational quality control regimes:ISO,IFS and BRC.In addition,the wines regularly win medals and prizes at the highest level in international competitions like Berliner Wein Trophy,International Wine Challenge,Terravino,etc.
One of the latest and most important results,was the crowning of the 2011 vintage of SuperTuscan"Vecciano"as"The Best Red Italian Wine" from the "Yearbook2014 of best Italian Wines"(Annuario dei migliori vini italiani) edited by Luca Maroni.
An important award that equaled the 2008 vintage in the year 2012 with the same 98 points.
在1938年家业公司举办了。它坐落在最漂亮的意大利景色之一:它坐落在Cetona 山的陡坡,在Valdichiana中心。它的周围有绿丘陵和螺钉。
因为公司适应力很大,所以产品个性化的机会更多。队了巴巴内拉Duca di Saragnano,Terre del Principe和Barbanera的产品以外,还有顾客设计与建议的产品。因为公司市场目标扩大了,为了显示有效生产进程,普遍的证书获得了,比如:ISO,IFS和BRC。
今天我们托斯卡纳红酒"Vecciano"由Luca Maroni命名了"意大利最好的红葡萄酒"。这是公司最大的满意。
巴尔内拉酒庄有110年家族酿酒史的托斯卡纳著名酒庄, 酒庄酒品以优质低价著称,在欧美等传统葡萄酒市场享有盛誉。酒庄年产量为700万瓶,是列位意大利前茅的名庄。
产品简介:由意大利南部最出色的葡萄阿罗尼卡和布罗蒂沃混酿,葡萄经轻微压榨,在由温度控制、微充氧的不锈钢罐内发酵10天,并在橡木桶内陈放12个月后装瓶。 酒色为深宝石红色,散发黑色浆果与微妙的花香,丰富饱满的酒体,润滑的质地,回味悠长,与红肉、菌类及奶酪组成完美的配搭。有良好的陈年潜质,具备一定收藏价值。 荣获:柏林罗菲Wein金杯奖,2012
酒区被称为瓦尔迪基亚纳。如今,巴尔奈拉家族酒庄代表着意大利充满活力的现代化经营的酒庄。近十几年来,巴尔奈拉家族在意大利各主要酒区收购葡萄园:如普利亚和西西里岛,使得葡萄酒提供的范围的扩大 ,家族酒庄可提供意大利所有主要知名的酒品, 并在最高水平国际酒评中赢得大奖。其中,巴尔奈拉庄园2008年的超级托斯卡纳干红“SuperTuscan”被卢卡•马罗尼评为2011-2012年度意大利最优红葡萄酒。